Q. When can I submit an abstract?

A: Abstract submission is open from December 1, 2024 to January 15, 2025 January 24, 2025. Submit your abstract here

Q. When will registration open?

A: Early bird conference registration will open on March 5, the same day abstract acceptance decisions are sent out. You will be able to register and pay using this website, so if you haven't already, we recommend you bookmark the address (plasmafusion.eventsair.com/sofe2025).

If you'd like to be notified about important SOFE2025 dates and deadlines, including when registration opens, you can sign up for our newsletter here.

Q. What will registration fees be?

A: You do not have to be a IEEE member to attend SOFE2025, though attendance fees are less for members. Early bird registration will open March 5.

Registration Type Cost
IEEE Member Early Bird $600
IEEE Member at Conference $700
Non-member Early Bird $750
Non-member at Conference $850
IEEE Student Member Early Bird $250
IEEE Student Member at Conference $350
Student Non-member Early Bird $350
Student Non-member at Conference $450
IEEE Lifetime Member Early Bird $300
IEEE Lifetime Member at Conference $400

Q. Are there sponsorship opportunities?

A: Yes, there are! We are working closely with MIT to finalize the details of sponsorship packages, and we anticipate that terms and conditions will be set by the end of January. Please email jemullen@psfc.mit.edu to discuss levels of sponsorship and their associated benefits. 

Q. Are you offering scholarships to help defray the cost of attending SOFE?

A: Unfortunately at this time we are unable to offer financial assistance for expenses associated with attending SOFE2025. 

Q. Will papers be published for SOFE?

A: Both oral and poster presentations are invited to submit a paper to a special issue of IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science (TPS).  Paper submissions must meet the general criteria for publication in IEEE TPS.  https://ieee-npss.org/publications/transactions-on-plasma-science/

Q. I need a letter of invitation to apply for a visa. Can you send me one?

A: Yes, absolutely. Please send an email to info@psfc.mit.edu with the following information so we can prepare the invitation letter for you:

   • Full legal name as printed on passport

   • Job Title (e.g., Research Scientist, Postdoctoral Scholar)

   • Employer and employer's address

   • A brief explanation of what the scholar will be doing at the conference (e.g., presenting research findings, meeting collaborators).  Please provide at least two full sentences.

   • Will a family member(s) (e.g., spouse or child) be traveling with you?  If yes, provide their name(s).


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