Student Presentation Competition

The IEEE Fusion Technology Committee sponsors a student presentation/poster competition at each SOFE that awards a monetary prize for outstanding presentations. This competition is open to both graduate and undergraduate students who plan to present their original research at SOFE. Students must be first author on submissions to the conference to be eligible for inclusion in the competition. 

Students will submit their posters or slides to be presented at SOFE, and a two-page synopsis to the review panel four weeks prior to the conference. Presentations and write-ups will be reviewed by a panel of experts in the field of fusion science and technology and scored based on a pre-determined scoring rubric. The three highest scoring authors will be invited to present a 7-10 minute presentation, in the form of a poster or printed slides, in a closed session held during SOFE, separate from the normal SOFE program. Students will be informed of their presentations two weeks prior to the conference. A winner will be selected and announced during the awards ceremony at SOFE 2025!

During abstract submission, interested student authors should opt in for the student presentation competition to be added to the email distribution list.  The email distribution list will be used to send reminders and updates on the student presentation competition. Submissions (posters/presentations and write-ups) should be emailed to Trey Gebhart ( on or before May 26th, 2025, to be considered. Presentations/posters can be in draft form, but need to be complete enough to effectively explain the work. There is no required format for the 1-2 page writeup, but we ask authors not to exceed two pages. We are looking for research that demonstrates sound methods and scientific principles, has impactful results, and is clear and concise in presentation.

Please email Trey Gebhart ( if you have any questions.

We will continue to add information to this site as details are finalized, and we encourage you to sign up for the SOFE 2025 newsletter to stay up to date with important conference dates and activities. 


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Cambridge, MA 02139



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